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The Mama Coach

Antenatal classes with Jen

Where: Held in the cafe area @ Eastview Baptist Church in Botany, East Auckland

559 Chapel Road, opposite Botany Town Centre

When: Wednesday evenings, from 7pm until 9:00pm for 5 consecutive weeks. 

Cost: $220 for pregnant mama and her partner/chosen support person

Plan to commence classes when you are around 30 weeks pregnant.



What might antenatal classes look like?

Antenatal classes with Jen will enable you to walk away feeling empowered to make the best decisions for you and your baby, and to feel more confident and prepared for your birthing journey and the early days at home with your new  little bubba.  


Antenatal classes with Jen are non-judgmental, relaxed, engaging, and fun

There will be a light supper, and a selection of teas provided

There will be the opportunity to see a birthing room @ Botany Downs Birthing Unit and see how we can work with a hospital room to create a relaxed birthing space



One of the great benefits of antenatal class is the coffee group that can come from this. 

Jen will assist in establishing your coffee group (and may join you for your first catch!)

Please note:  Each course has a maximum of 14 couples, and I may need to change your course dates if your class does not reach a minimum of 5 couples at each course

What will you learn?

Hannah & Kris

"Jen was absolutely fantastic as an antenatal coach. Her welcoming and down to earth personality really put us at ease and her knowledge as a Mama and a nurse was invaluable. We had loads of fun in her classes and we made life long friends. Thanks so much Jen!"
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